Saturday, February 6, 2010

2/4 Teacher Listening Session

The 1st of 2 teacher listening session took place Thursday night.  I think that it was exactly what I expected it to be.  Mr. Gerlach estimated attendance at around 50 teachers.  There were 16 teachers that got up and spoke, with most of them from the areas of related arts.  Mr. Gerlach gave each person 3 minutes to speak and only had to cut off 3 or 4 of the speakers for running long. 

I appreciate each person that attended the session for taking the time to come and listen.  For those that got up and spoke I thank you for giving your thoughts and feelings.  I expected nothing less from our staff, so thank you for your passion and dedication to the children of our district.

I wish there was a golden parachute available to fix the districts budget issues.  Unfortunately, the reality is that positions will probably have to be cut.  I hope that my fellow board members will join me in finding ways to cut or make operational changes that won't cost jobs first.  Then we will have to make the hard choices of how to reduce overhead costs with the least impact on student education.

While there was a good number of teachers in attendance on Thursday,  I hope that there are even more at the next session on 2/18.  Your voices do factor into my decision making process, so please get up and speak or send e-mails or phone me or whatever, but please speak your mind (in a polite manner).

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