Sunday, February 21, 2010

Public Communication

Over the course of the past 2 weeks the board and the administration have taken a lot of hits over our communication regarding potential budget cuts. I feel the TV coverage, H-I coverage, the district website and our bi-monthly open meetings provide lots of opportunities for gathering information on what the board is discussing.

I know a lot of Monona residents said they were unaware of the potential reductions until Mayor Kahl's flyer. For this I apologize, however, I also feel that being informed is a personal decision. If you want to know what is happening you have all of the above places to find information. On average, I am estimating, we have less than 10 citizens attend a board meeting. The board tends to discuss issues at more than one meeting before making a decision.

With that being said if 1 person feels we are not providing information well enough then we as a board need to more. Therefore, here is your opportunity to tell me how we can do this better. I am looking for you the district residents to come up with ways to better communicate to you.

1 comment:

  1. It is up to the board members to make it easier
    for the public to find this knowledge. I was very affended by your volume level and comment telling the public to WAKE up and it is THEIR responsibility to go FIND this information. Closing a school and eliminating programing are
    very important issues and should be made public in as many places as possible, sending home letters with students, put on ALL school websites, information given to every PTO group at the beginning of the discussion are just a few suggestions.
